
#CookSabayEatWithAngie // Pork Chop Steak

February 09, 2016

As cliche as it may sound but I am going to shout to the whole universe that I am not good when it comes to the cooking department. In fact, I only got the chance to really explore the kitchen a couple of years ago. Yes, basic frying and anything to do with instant cooking are considered as an acquired skills - if you really call them as such. I'm still in the process of learning more recipes to cook for the family and may I say that it gives me so much amusement knowing that I can actually cook, LOL! Anyway, I've thought of documenting my cooking adventure through a blog series which I will tag as #CookingSabayEatWithAngie (thanks to my sister Maire for actually thinking of the witty title). Why the need for documentation? For the reason that I'll be needing it for future references as well as improvement. Also, maybe to encourage others to try cooking.

Owkaaaaay! Introduction is way to loooooong already as always, LOL!

For my very first #CookSabayEatWithAngie I'll be sharing a recipe called Pork Chop Steak. I've got to be honest here, I got the recipe from Panlasang Pinoy but of course gave it a little twist because not everyone have the same taste buds and cooking style. Also, I'm more of a pa-tsamba style of cook.
  • 1/2 kilo pork chops
  • 4 to 5 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 medium sized yellow onion, peeled and sliced crosswise
  • Juice from 3 to 4 calamansi
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoon canola oil
  • Onion leaves, chopped (optional)
  1. In a marinating bowl, mix together the soy sauce, water, calamansi, salt and pepper, and pork chops, Marinate for about 30 minutes to an hour
  2. Place the pork chops and 1/2 cup of the marinade sauce in a cooking pan then let it boil for 5 to 10 minutes
  3. Once pork chops are a little tender, drain the pork chop setting aside the sauce
  4. Heat the oil in the cooking pan
  5. Pan-fry both sides of the pork chops until medium brown
  6. Once all pork chops are pan-fried, remove the excess oil from the cooking pan then start pouring the all the marinade sauce as well as the pork chops
  7. Cover and simmer for 40 minutes or until the pork chops becomes tender as desired. (NOTE: add more water, soy sauce, and calamansi as needed)
  8. Once pork chop is already tender as desired, add half of the sliced onion then cook for about 5 more minutes
  9. Transfer all the content of the cooking pan in a serving bowl
  10. Place the other half of the remaining sliced onion in a pan and cook it for about less than a minute
  11. Garnish the cooked onions and onion leaves on top and serve

Take note that I'm not really into following the cooking time because I use my sense of taste and gut feel when it comes to cooking. You may want to adjust the number of minutes depending on your cooking style. Make sure to do taste test while cooking so you'll have control on the taste.

A closer look on the finished product.

Happy cooking and eating :)

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