
Starbucks Butterbeer

November 23, 2013

Starbucks Beerbutter

The secret is out and everyone has been blabbing about their Starbucks' Butterbeer experience. Beerbutter is not a part of their usual menu including the Christmas menu but ever since articles about the Starbucks Secret Recipe circulated the WWW a lot of people became curious as to how it would taste like. I am also a little curious on how it taste like so I give in and tried it out after watching the premier of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire at Shangri-la Cineplex 3.

Before I even tried it, I saw the recipe on the internet and even posted it in here.For the sake of those who haven't read it yet, I am more than willing to share it again.
Starbucks Butterbeer Recipe (Grande)- Creme Frappucino (base)
- Add 3 pumps of Caramel syrup
- Add 3 pumps of Toffee Nut syrup
- Top with Caramel drizzle
Just so you know, this recipe is only good for the holiday season and that was because of the Toffee Nut syrup. Like what I said, this is not on their menu so you may want to write down the recipe and show it to your Barista just in case they don't have a slightest idea on how to whip up the not-so-secret drink anymore. Although I doubt that your Barista will have no idea on how to make Butterbeer since a lot of people are already ordering this one.

IMHO, I didn't really liked it because I find it too sweet for me. To be totally honest, when I saw the recipe I was like, "whaaaaaat? 3 pumps each of caramel and toffee nut syrup, I'm totally going to die." I still prefer the usual ones and of course the Christmas drinks.

Anyway, I'm going to try another recipe from the list of Starbucks Secret Recipe which really caught my attention and I am really hoping that I am going to love it, haha. As for the movie, I'll be telling you more about it on my next update.

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  1. Oh, starbucks! I now prefer to have my coffee fix at specialty cafe's like xocolat and et cetera but I must say this looks good. :)

    1. I also don't mind getting my coffee fix anywhere. I was just a little curious on how butterbeer tasted like and it was too sweet for me, haha.

  2. I love caramel, but I think this would be too sweet for me too.

    1. I'm not really sure what's the hype all about because as a matter of fact it taste liked an ordinary coffee just too sweet.

  3. wow, it looks like very yummy! I never try this menu before but after read this post I want go to starbucks asap! hehehe

    (^_^) Im your new followers..Wish U have a great day!

    1. I is delicious but a little too sweet for me :)

  4. I just hope they'll have that one on their menu! Hahah.

    I'll follow your blog. I hope you could take a look on mine.

    1. I'm thinking they'll have it for next year's Christmas drinks line-up.

  5. Looks tasty! Yum!

    -- rudolphmusngi.com

    1. It is tasty but a little too sweet for my taste.

  6. Ibwould've loved to try this but like you, i'm afraid I might find this too sweet. That recipe alone already screams tons of sweetness for me. I think I'll have to check out the list again soon and see if I can find a secret drink I'd be interested to order on my next trip to Starbucks. :)

    1. I'll be looking at the very long list too and try the one that interest me.

  7. I love starbucks specially the free WiFi few years back...

    1. I am not sure if they still have the free one. As far as I know they make you pay for the wifi service.

  8. I have been wanting to try this customized drink since last last week but I am afraid of the calories! Whaha I must prepare my exercise regime to burn the fats off.

  9. Oh wow. Another sweet delight from Starbucks. Such a sweet treat

  10. That sounds so good! But I agree with you that it sounds a bit too sweet. i think I'll ask for just 2 pumps of each & see how it is. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Go with two pumps and it be perfect, for me though.

  11. I stopped with frappe a few years ago because it's too sweet. However, my sister will definitely love this. She love everything that is sweet. When I go to Starbucks, I always order their tea latte (chai or green tea).

  12. I really love and enjoy Starbuck's holiday drinks!!! lalo na yung peppermint mocha nila :D

    1. Oh my, same tayo. I really love their Peppermint Mocha.

  13. Woah! 3 pumps of caramel?! I can imagine myself ordering that drink! Thank you for sharing :D

    1. Yes, 3 pumps of caramel and 3 pumps of toffee nut. Hahaha!

  14. I will also blog about the secret menu they have as soon as I completed them. yet, sometimes when I order a drink from THIS branch and to THAT branch, it went to have different kind of taste. Weird of them. Im just considering that many bartenders were hired today bec of its peak season that needed more training. anyway, I still find them both yum yum yum. :)

    1. I've only tried ordering Butterbeer in Shangri-la and never ordered it again, haha. I still prefer the Peppermint Mocha.

  15. Butterbeer is a really cool name. How i wish it had some actual alcohol in it, that would be cool

  16. I like to try the butterbeer on my next visit at Starbucks. Nice that you can also customize your order.

    1. I've been seeing a lot of recipes but I wasn't sure that customizing is also okay here in the Philippines.

  17. Replies
    1. It does but a little too sweet for my taste.

  18. Love starbucks, always, although I prefer to hang out somewhere else now. Very cool. Might as well try it. Thanks!!

    1. I also prefer hanging out somewhere but I still to go to Starbucks once in a while.

  19. Reading at its recipe I bet it'll be too sweet for my taste buds... Im more interested on there teas now. :)

    1. I haven't tried their teas yet but would gladly do. Also, Butterbeer is too sweet for me.

  20. I'm really curious with this SB secret frappes. Is the price the same as those in the menu?

    1. It depends on the ingredients but I guess customized drinks are a little pricey than their regular ones.
