
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

November 25, 2013

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

I can now say that the odds are really on our favor. Hubby and I watched the movie premiere of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire over at Shangri-la Cineplex last November 21, 2013 courtesy of the ever generous Nuffnang Philippines and PLDT Fibr. You already now the drill, I won't be spilling the beans to much just like what I did with Thor 2: The Dark World  but will be giving some hint for the sake of those who haven't watched the movie.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Image from google.com

I really love how perfectly Jennifer Lawrence played the role of Katniss Everdeen. She's such a good actor that I really fell on her every emotions especially the scene where they - Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen - as victors had this district tour and went to District 11, home of the fallen Rue, I had my fair share of tears along with her. Yes, I cried with her because I can remember how the kid Rue is so innocent and good. Aside from being such a good actor, I am totally digging all her ensembles in the movie as well as her hair and make-up. Also, does anyone find Josh Hutcherson gorgeous or its just me? Hahahaha.

Anyway, the story of The Catching Fire keeps up from the first film where Katniss and Peeta returned home to District 12. Remember the ala Romeo-and-Juliet act from The Hunger Names, where Katniss offered Peeta to eat the poison berries? Some citizens interpreted it as an act of rebellion against the government of Panem. President Snow (Donald Sutherland) was frightened by the development of rebellious acts of the citizen decided that in celebration of the 75th year of Hunger Games the victors (a boy and a girl each district) from the previous games shall play the game dubbed as the Quarter Quell.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Image from google.com
Both Katniss and Peeta was forced to continue their complicated love affair as they reunite with the Capitol as well as the other victors. As they prepare for the upcoming game, both of them must also decide on who should be considered as allies or enemies.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

I am definitely giving this movie a four (4) thumbs - hands and foot - up. Being a movie based on a book, I can totally definitely say that the people behind the movie really did know the book pretty well. Sure I might be looking for some scenes but they did show every peak of the story. Aside from a great adaptation, I am really amazed by the effects, the clothes, hair, and make-up of each character really did made them stand out. To top it off, we all know that the movie is mainly about serious political issues right? Let me say that movie did show those political issues but in a classy and respectable manner.

I can't wait for Mockingjay and I am sure it will be way better than Catching Fire and to be honest, the movie made me want to read the trilogy all over again.

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  1. Haven't seen the movie yet but heard so many good reviews about it.I Hope to catch it this weekend.

    1. You better watch it. It is a really nice movie.

  2. Wow, congrats for winning the Nuffnang contest! I wanted to join, but I am not available on the screening date. So sad. Anyway, I was able to watch the film din naman. :)

    The District 11 scene is really touching! That was just so sad :(

    I haven't read the books but then because the Catching Fire is so bitin and I can't wait for Mockingjay, I am planning to read the trilogy! Hahaha

    1. Nagulat nga ako kasi last minute na ako nagpasa ng entry ko sa Nuffnang pero nakapasok pa din, hahaha. Swerte!

      Diba? Super touching nong scene na yun.

  3. Well, I didn't read this trilogy or see the first movie, but I think I'll start watching the movies. I like the characters costumes and the story :)

  4. It's finally out. I still have to watch it though and it's already breaking records for the largest November opening.

  5. i decided not to read the book *boo* so i was totally clueless earlier haha! the movie is great, however a little bitin at the end. since my friend did not read the book as well, we're both clueless if the ending is really meant that way as in in the book, or some sort of cliffhanger for the next installment :) haha! and lucky you! definitely, the odds were in your favor :)

    1. Hahahaha! Yes, it was really bitin for both movie and book. Hahaha.

  6. oh my! I havent watched it yet and you make me more excited. I remember my first event with Nuffnang is with the Hunger Games movie. :)

    1. Really? Wow. Sana you joined this one para we can meet.

  7. So jealous I haven't see this film yet :(
    Interesting movie I shall see this on weekends :))


  8. I really don't like Katniss as the main character of this series when I was reading the book. But Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss is the bomb!! She made me love Katniss. In fact, she's a better Katniss than the book Katniss (I hope I'm making sense LOL).

    Ohh, Josh is definitely H-O-T! I've been secretly in love with him since Bridge to Terabithia and that was 6 years ago. And now, he's Peeta. My heart skipped a beat when he said "My heart is now working " while looking at Katniss in the movie.

    1. I totally agree on you. I just learned to love Katniss in the movie but not the one in the book.

  9. Haven't read the book and watched the first series of this movie. I don't know why I don't like hunger games but they have lots of fans including you so I guess this is a good movie

  10. Good entertainment watching movie. good luck

  11. I watched it too here in Beijing on premier day and I feel wanting the 3rd part. I still can't get over with this movie. One word to describe: phenomenon

    1. I am also wishing that Mockingjay will be shown asap, haha.

  12. Love the Catching Fire! katniss and Petta is more hotter than ever, and the movie is much better than its prequel. Looking forward for its third installment!

    1. I am also looking forward to the third one :)

  13. Wooow! My blogger friends and I really want to watch that movie! ♥♥♥

    1. You should go and watch it. It'll be worth your time.

  14. I have to watch the first one before this one! Haha medyo outdated ako kasi initially di talaga interested sa movie na to. I'm planning to read the book first kasi (but haven't, hihi) although I'm hearing how amazing it was daw :) Sana next time may pacontest ulit ang Nuffnang! Hihihi!

    1. Both the book and movie are amazing pero syempre mas prefer ko yung book kasi mas detailed yun, haha. I am also hoping na meron ulit pa-contest si Nuffnang and will try my luck ulit.

  15. I have just watched Catching Fire and I liked it. I liked how Jennifer Lawrence was able to carry the movie and her role as Katniss. I also liked how the movie played out can't wait for the sequel next year!

  16. Last na ba ung mockingjay? Aww. Ayoko pa matapos ung hunger games :(( Anyway, I super duper love the movie and the actors... <3 10/10 :D

  17. I've read the whole series and watched the first movie. I've been hearing a lot of good reviews about this 2nd installment. Still I tell people to not "spoil" it for me. Seeing this, it makes me wanna trot over to a movie house and finally watch it. Huhu kaya lang may sakit ako ngayon so I cant.. huhu. But definitely this movie is on my "MOVIES MUST WATCH" list. :)

    1. You should watch it and hopefully I didn't spoil it for you :)

  18. I haven't watch the first parts of Hunger games movie so I think I better watch it first before seeing this movie. From the reviews and trailer, I think it is really a good movie :)

  19. Ohh my i need to watch this over the weekend! I'm so intrigued that I want to read the books :O

    1. Read the books if you can't watch the movie syempre mas detailed yun. Nevertheless, it was a great movie.

  20. Wow! Congrats on winning nuffnang's contest. :) I want to watch this so badly too. I'm glad you didn't share any spoilers I would have been devastated. Tee hee!

    1. Thank God I didn't spoil it for you, haha. I was really thinking na baka spoiler masyado yung post ko.

  21. Wow! Now that you rated this very high, I am more excited to watch this movie over the weekend. :)

  22. One of the best renditions of a popular book! Nothing to complaints about really. I was imagining a bigger guy for Finnick though. Here is my own review: http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/lifestyle/11/22/13/review-hunger-games-catching-fire-glorious-blaze

    1. Yes, I wasn't really expecting Finnick to be like that.

  23. i haven't seen this yet, so i didn't want to read too deeply! i am excited for it though

    1. You should watch the movie if you're not into reading.

  24. I have the first Hunger Games but never watched it. After hearing how amazing the second one is, I just might have to see them both sometime this weekend!

  25. Best movie ever!!! I read all the books and saw the first one and I have got to say this is one of the best!! I love that they stuck so close to the storyline in the books! http://oneheartonefamily.com/2013/11/coming-full-circle-fisher-price-favourites-fpfaves.html

    1. I totally agree. I love both the book and the film.

  26. great review on the movie :) i definitely enjoyed this and can't wait to see mockingjay!

    1. Thank you and I am also excited for Mockingjay.
