
MIA? Here's Why.

January 05, 2014

Hey loves  Yes, I am still here and slowly getting back on track in terms of blogging. I've been pretty busy since December and I'm still catching up on all the things that I set aside due to the holiday season. Anyway, I think I am all set to write again whatever it is that is happening and had happened to our lives.

To start is off the main reason on my sudden MIA is because I have to prepare for a simple party for my little kiddos whose birthdays both fall on December. Yes, Baby Sophia was born on December 6 while Baby Basty was born on December 26 but on a different year though, hahaha! My kids have a two years gap and although we still want to have more we decided to not have another babies just yet. Aside from the birthday, I was also preoccupied on managing our little online shop as well as the preparation for Christmas and New Year. Also, as I mentioned on my Keep Calm and Write On blog entry that there's some family issues that I need to handle accordingly by that I mean to restrain myself from blogging because I don't want to write things that I will regret in the future. I rather chose to keep my silence and handle the issue the way a mature and intelligent person should handle it. Of course, I'm still keeping my silence and will never spill it out but for the sake of your curiosity I shall describe the event as a big nightmare. Oh well, past is past and it's already 2014 meaning all of us have 365 days to use wisely.

Anyway, I'm not yet done with birthdays because January 15 will be my hubby's birthday and I still have 10 more days left on planning his day although I am pretty sure that he'll be spending the whole day at work. I'm still crossing my fingers that he'll take a birthday leave (if there's any, LOL) so I will know the things that needed to be done.

There. I'll probably be sharing with you more stuff on the next entry and I really do hope that I'll be able to catch up with all the things that I set aside. Yeah, greeting you all a happy new year.

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