
Better Days Are Coming

January 06, 2014

Starbucks 2014 Planner

Aside from my blog, I also do have a yearly planner where I probably write the most random stuff that I can think of. For this year, I finally gave in and redeemed my first ever Starbucks' planner of course it was all because of my ever loving and supportive husband. Yes, he insisted that I should try the Starbucks' planner for this year. Anyway, I just got it last night and I am really excited to write on it and make 2014 my year.

I had mine in black although I really wished to have the one in magenta but it was already out of stock and although the mustard planner looks cute I felt that it will easily attract dirt, LOL! I just need a nice pen to go with it and I'm all good.

I claim that better days are already coming. Cheers to a better 365 days and counting.

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  1. The planner looks nice this time. Though I never went through the effort of buying a number of starbucks drinks just to get the planner. I find it expensive and fattening :S

  2. Wow congrats and happy new year!

  3. Love your planner.. am contemplating on whether to get a paper planner or just rely on a excel spread sheet this year :)

  4. I'm sure better days are coming in 2014 and it's nice to have a starbucks planner to keep it organized.

  5. I just got mine too.. hihihihi :D I have the magenta.. but I wish I had the black one though.. hihihi.. :D

  6. Happy New Year! Totally loving SB's planner because it's thinner compared to last year :)

  7. My sister wants this planner too but we were not able to collect enough stickers.
    I also use yearly planner before but I stopped using it after I got my tablet. It's much easier and convenient to use it than bringing a separate notebook all the time.
    Have fun on using your planner.

  8. I always redeem starbucks planner yearly but I always give it as gifts.

  9. Yay for your 1st SB planner :) Write great things and yeah let's claim for an awesome 2014! Cheers :)

  10. ohh i've always wanted a starbucks planner! so weird we dont have it here in the states :(

  11. More luck this 2014!

    Do you have a Facebook Page so I can also follow your posts there?
    Your blog is very informative and it's got substance. I'll definitely be sticking around.

    Pay me a visit sometime!
    He'res my blog link www.cherylazarraga.wordpress.com and you may wish to like my newly set up page on Facebook as well https://www.facebook.com/IwasAnoushka

  12. I was also planning to get an SB planner, kaso tinamad ako uminom ng kape haha

  13. The Starbucks Planner this year is the ebst planner this year..

  14. Belated Happy New year <3 My mom got hers too! I'm not really keen on making plans so I don't have one haha!
