

May 14, 2013

Yesterday marked the day that will supposedly give the Philippines another chance of hoping that things will get better soon and that change will finally come. Honestly, I am one of the many Filipinos that keeps on hoping and is open to changes.

I am proud to say that yesterday I exercised my rights to vote and be heard. I may vote only once but at least my vote still counts.

As far as partial results are being shown, I am a little disappointed that some unworthy candidates made it to the top list but who am I to judge. Majority of Filipinos haven't learned their lessons just yet and still opt to vote candidates because of popularity, family name, influence and the likes.

I just wished to not hear any complaint on how our country is still suffering from its old illness because in the first place majority of people voted for them and gave them their position. As for me, I shall do whatever I can to contribute on making the Philippines a better country. I will not sulk and rant on the country's status but rather engaged in positive actions that will have a positive result.

Further, I have two wonderful kids whose future is still yet to be unfold. By that, I shall not depend to the future government alone but instead have my own way to give them a better future that they both deserve.

Anyway, I am still hoping that there will be a drastic change with the result thus giving us a better one. I still believe with the saying: "save the best for last." I shall not give up hoping that someday I will be waking up to a bright morning filled with betterment but for now I shall hope and work hard for a better future.

Oh well, this is just me simply saying how disappointed I am with the results that are being shown.

I'm still proud that I voted yesterday unlike some who didn't even bother to vote at all because they have this thinking that their vote is already useless. As the saying goes: "make every vote counts," and that's what I just did even if I know that some of my candidates will not make it to the list. Sad but true story.

Sharing with you the partial senatorial result as of May 14, 2013 2:45 AM courtesy of Rappler.com
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  1. I voted too. It's our responsibility. :) Yes, I am a bit disappointed with the result too. But just like you, who am I to judge? I am just hoping that they'll do what they're tasked to do. I hope they'll make a difference.

  2. Aww this was almost a month ago pa. Update naman jan sis, hehe

    Anyway, ako I voted din, pero nanghula lang. hahahaha. And like you, I am disappointed with the results too. Naku asa pa tayo sa pulitika. aHaha.

    And I noticed you took a photo of the pcos machine. Is that allowed? Or you just sneaked? Haha
