
The Perks Of Being A Wallflower By Stephen Chbosky

August 27, 2012

Date Read: August 15 - 19, 2012
Title: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
Author: Stephen Chbosky
Publisher: MTV Books / Pocket Books
Genres: Young Adult Novel / Epistolary Novel
Rating: 3.5 / 5

"Charlie is a freshman, and while he's not the biggest geek in the school, he is by no means popular. Sky, introspective, intelligent beyond his years yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower. Caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it. Charlie is attempting to navigate his way through uncharted territory: the world of first dates and mix tapes, family dramas and new friends; the world of sex, drugs, and the Rocky Horror Picture Show, when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite. But Charlie can't stay on the sideline forever. Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective, but there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor." ~ A Case For Books

The story is told through a series of letters that "Charlie", a pseudonym, sends to an anonymous person who, according to his classmates, is a great listener and would truly understand whatever he is currently going through. For a high school freshmen, Charlie is being exposed to a lot of awful "issue" - homosexuality, bullying, sex, drugs, domestic abuse, teenage pregnancy, abortion, and rape just to name a few.

What I like about the story is how Charlie and his family are close which is really a good point since a lot of teenagers nowadays enjoys the company of their friends more over their family. But then again, the closeness of Charlie's family only comes out when there are big events such as football game and graduation.Why did I say so? Because if they are really close enough then Charlie would not be talking or rather than writing a letter to someone he doesn't even know. Also, he wouldn't do things - smoking, drugs, overnight parties, lying - if he and his family are really that close. Maybe I am only being a Filipino but I do wish you do get my point.

Another thing that I like is how true the story is, I mean in real life a lot of teenagers really do experience such life issues. If teenagers will read this book, I do wish they'll get the lesson behind it like how Charlie felt when he got drunk and did drugs instead of doing the same thing that Charlie did.

On the contrary, I just didn't like how the story was delivered or it was my first time to read a book in such tone that I did not appreciate it that much. Also, I do wish that Chbosky wrote something about the person whom Charlie is writing the letters to or something related to the letters because I would love to at least know if there is really a person reading all of Charlie's letters. Aside from that, I really hate how Chbosky did not made the older ones responsible enough like giving curfews or something like that since Charlie is still in his Freshmen years and still needs the guidance of someone older than him.

Overall, I'm giving it a 3.5 out of 5 despite the lack of some details I still find it good enough to read especially if you are an open-minded type of person.

PS. This is my first blog review and I do wish I pretty much did a good one. Constructive criticisms are very much welcome as to improved my way of reviewing books because I do have a plan on sharing more book reviews.

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  1. Reading reviews like this makes me realize all the more that I haven't been reading much lately. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I wish there was no involvement of smoking and drugs in young adult literature like this, but I guess it is hard to preclude perceived realities of society. Not everyone is exposed to such bad influences so early though. But then again, I may be too naive.

    1. I do agree when you said that not everyone is exposed to such issues at an early age and I also do wish that non of the said issue is involve on adult literature. In the end, it is still reality.

  3. Pretty interested in reading the book as well. Soon! I hope.

  4. I'm thinking of reading that book next! :)

    1. You should and mind to share your list with me, hehe.

  5. I actually liked this book. It really felt like you were dealing with a teenage kid's ramblings in life and not unraveling the mystery person he's been writing too was actually something that made it more realistic-feeling too. :) Also, it's the American life so everything's pretty much haywired, they're liberated and all. But anyway, I have my own qualms about this book, but generally it was a good read :)

    1. Yes! It is actually a good one and I also liked it although there are some points that I just don't understand why it should be like that.

  6. YAY! I envy you and other people who read books a lot.
    I used to as well, but then I got busy and hooked on other things.
    This book seems to be very interesting thou.
    Great review hun!

    1. Thank you, Faith! It is interesting although there are some plot that I find hard to comprehend. Maybe because I'm old enough and I didn't actually went through the issues.

  7. Interesting book. What do you think of the cast for the movie?

    1. I haven't got the chance to check out that one out. Will search it now, thank you :)

  8. honestly, i don't have patience in reading books...but after reading your review ,i want to have it too and try to read and hopefully finish it. goodluck to me..:)

    you did a great review about this book..:)

  9. I've heard this a lot of times already but I haven't read it :)) Can you share your source link? Thank you! :)

    1. I just searched it using my 4Shared mobile app :)

  10. I believe I've already left a comment here but I can't see it anywhere :O Anyhow, I loved reading this book! The way of writing just makes everything feel even more realistic--like words coming straight out from a troubled teen.

    1. Your comment is already posted :) Sorry it went directly yo the spam folder so I was not able to post it asap.

  11. Really nice review ha. I've been reading lots of book reviews lately. Tho I prefer talaga to not read. :D I want to be surprised. And I don't read real life fiction. Minsan lang.

    There's a movie diba? Starring Emma Watson. :)

    1. Thank you, Karen :) Book reviews can be considered as spoilers lalo na if you really want to read that book, haha! I've been reading a lot of book reviews din e.

      Yes, there's a movie daw pero I haven't check it our yet.

  12. I haven't read a book for a long time but the plot seems interesting. Also, it was a nice review.

  13. I bumped this book on NBS, read the first three pages and I can say that this is an awesome book.

  14. there is a movie adaptation for this! just saw its trailer. :)

    1. There is but I haven't seen the trailer yet. Will check it out :)

  15. I finished reading this book early last year. For me, it's just a typical story of teenager. But if you are not aware to this kind of atmosphere, it's really kind of disturbing.

    By the way, is Charlie has a mental problem or what? If I remembered it correctly, he had to visit this psychiatrist doctor every end of school year?

    I would agree on you about the adult of not guiding their children on their adolescence stage especially Sam's and the gay guy's (I forgot his name) parents.

    1. Yup! The author kind of made Charlie an autistic, if that is the right way to describe it. He needs to go see a psychiatrist every now and then.

      Diba! I really couldn't believe why they just let their children do their own thing samantalang nasa high school pa lang naman yung mga yun.

  16. thanks for the review.

    this book is actually in my to-read list ages ago. but i just can't seem to find the right time to read this. YA novels are just not my thing. and i find it hard to relate to the hero in the story because i've already surpassed that age limit. even though you've made a review, i still don't know if i'll read this book :D but still, thank you.

    1. You are most welcome :) YA books are also not my thing but since I lack books to read I tried it out anyway, hihi!

  17. I have read this book!!! :) I'm pretty excited to watch the movie na!

    1. I haven't seen even the trailer yet, haha! Will check the trailer na.

  18. Great And enjoyable Movie.The Story of this Movie is very interesting,Everyone is or has been nervous about starting up their first year in high school. Friends you had in middle school don't talk to you, it's a bigger environment, and you're surrounded by sex, drugs, language, and older kids on a constant basis.At any time you can watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower Movie and enjoy with friends.

  19. Hmm it is very interesting movie of Emma Watson. She has doing good job in this movie.

  20. I absolutely loved it! A wonderful book, and I felt the "different" delivery and the mystery of who the "friend" was made it even better. I would give it a 5/5!!!
