
Searching For The Best Tasting Cronut

October 29, 2013

Hey loooooves! I'm back with yet another food related blog entry and this time I am going to share my current search for the best tasting Cronut or whatever spelling that you have in mind. First thing first, Cronut is a kind of croissant-doughnut kind of pastry. Yes! This food is a little bipolar, hahaha! Anyway, it all started with the the curiosity on why people are into this pastry. I mean it basically looked like a simple bread to me but what's on being overly gaga over a food. As of this writing, I've only tasted 3 Cronut from 3 different brand and my journey to taste the best ever Cronut still continues.

My first ever was Anybody's Coffee Cronutz which I got in milk chocolate and cost at around Php 95.00 each if I'm not mistaken.

Anybody Coffee Cronutz

Honestly, I didn't enjoy this one because I didn't felt the croissant part of the Cronutz but instead I only felt like I am eating a simple doughnut.

The second one is the Cro-nuts from Go Nuts Donuts which I got in Chocolate Almond flavor and amounting to Php 75.00 each.

Go Nuts Donuts Cro-nuts

I enjoyed this one because it is cheaper than the first one and the croissant feeling is kind of present but still not what I am expecting for.

Third and hopefully not the last, The French Baker Cronuts which I got in Vanilla Flavor and cost at around Php 55.00 I guess.

The French Baker Cronuts

Just so you all know among the three I loved the Cronuts from The French Baker because it is way cheaper than the first 2 and the pastry itself is to die for. I know I am exaggerating but you can really taste the croissant-doughnut thing and it has maybe a custard filling inside each layer. Its like there is a Cronut party happening inside my mouth in every bite. Hahahaha!

Anyway, like what I've said my journey still continues and I would love to hear from you on where I can get the other Cronut available here in Manila. Just comment down below and I am going to try my very best to taste all of them Cronuts from Manila.


  • Have you tasted the Cronuts from Anybody Coffee, Go Nuts Donuts or The French Baker? If yes, what can you say about them and if no, why not?

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  1. Haven't tasted any of those 3! :) Pero good kasi yung pinakamura ang pinakamasarap! :)

    1. Actually nong nalaman ko na meron na sa French Baker naisip ko agad na for sure masarap. Alam mo na, French Baker always have the best bread.

  2. honestly, I haven't tasted any cronut, I've seen it at The French Baker but my sons chose other breads instead, hehe, One of these days, I'll buy to find out what's so special about a cronut :)

    1. I suggest that you go try the one from French Baker. I am not saying that it is the best cronuts out there in the market but as of the moment it is the best one for me.

  3. Tasted yung sa cro-nuts before but I didn't like it! Wala kasi french baker dito samin! :(

    1. Sayang naman. As of the moment, yung sa French Baker pa naman ang alam ko na merong masarap na cronuts.

  4. Wow I enjoy reading this article. I have not tried the cronuts from The French Baker but now that you mentioned it, I thought it's awesome.

    1. Thank you :) Let me know if you also liked the one from French Baker or not.

  5. Informative review! Thanks for this! :)

  6. This cronut craze has not yet arrived in my city. The thrifty side of me (read: kuripot) would go for French Baker. :D

    1. I would also go for the French Baker one.

  7. haha lahat nalang may fusion i still likemy donut donut and my croissant croissant hahaha

    1. Same here :) Masyado kasi complicated kapag masyado na meron twist yung food.

  8. I haven't tried a cronut yet, but I've been hearing about how good this one tastes. I should try grab one from Go Donuts! :)

    Their almond cronut reminds me of J.Co's alcapone though. haha

  9. Talaga meron sa gonut and french baker? ang galing!!! Ang mahal kasi nito sa market market e.. Thanks for sharing..

    1. Yes! Meron sa gonuts and french baker :)

  10. I haven't tasted any cronut yet. Actually, you ignited my interest in wanting to try it.

    1. Wow! Thank you for that. Anyway, I do suggest that you try the one in French Baker but if you really want to spend they say the best Cronuts is found at Wild Flour and Dolcelatte.

  11. my aunt is going gaga with this cronut craze. krispy kreme also has there own cronut and it's 70 each. i'll prolly buy a cronut from french baker because it's cheaper than the rest :)

    1. I haven't tried Krispy Kreme's version yet but I'll note it on my list. Thank you for sharing :)

  12. in truth, i havent tasted any cronuts yet.. maybe i would try first the one from french baker. hehehe ^^,)

    1. Definitely go with the one from French Baker :)

  13. Poor me, I haven't tried a single cronut yet even if its trending now. I might try the one in French Baker.

    1. The French Baker one is a must try. I mean among the three cronuts that I tasted, I prefer the one from French Baker.

  14. I think Go-nuts would also be an excellent for Cronuts because they do come up with unique flavors.

    1. I guess but they also need to make changes on the recipe of their cronuts.

  15. I love the french baker! Must try their cronuts :)

  16. I love French Baker! Must try the cronuts soon :)

  17. If Anybody's Coffee Cronutz's cronut looks exactly just like a donut and it's expensive at that.

  18. I haven't tried cronut pa but I really love French Baker.. their French Macarons is the cheapest!

    1. I am also a fan of their french macarons :)

  19. I always line up at French Baker before closing time to get the best deals on bread and pastries. I'll surely try out their cronuts soon.

  20. We live in a city where dunkin donuts and krispy kreme do not exist, lol, so lame! so I always crave for these sweets, and with that I think it will take longer for cronuts to hit this region....now I miss French Baker too, their offerings are always so fresh...

  21. I must try French Baker Cronuts. Looks Yummy!- Carl

  22. I am a certified cronut adik! ) will definitey try this one :)

  23. Hmmm...very interesting. Hoping this CRONUT fever hits Bangkok soon!

  24. I have not tried any yet. But I'm planning to get WildFlour's cronuts soon.

    1. I also want to try the one's from WildFlour.

  25. I haven't tasted the cronuts from these 3 companies yet, but among the 3, I would like to try the Cronuts from French Baker. As of now, the cronuts that I have tasted is the one from Krispy Kreme.
