
Random Five On Five With The Kiddos

September 08, 2013

Sophia and Basty
For Bebengisms Birthday Cyber Party

Hey guysssss! Since I'm done with 5 facts about yourself, I kind of felt like doing another set but this time it'll be about the little kiddos. I'll make this a short one, hence, I'll be sharing 5 facts about them in collective form. Maybe I shall do a separate blog entry for their individual 5 random facts.

Anyway, let us all start to get to know more of Sophia and Basty.

Both of them loves the water but hates going in the pool. Okay, I know it is kind of weird but they would rather get inside a batya (laundry basin) than be in a pool.


Both of them are milk tea addict just like their mom, haha. They prefer the winter melon flavor more than the other choices. If you are thinking of buying a milk tea for yourself then better think again because these little kids will be hovering and will even get and own your milk tea.


Both of them have their own bad habit which I am actually having a dilemma on how to stop them. Sophia loves to pinch the person beside her as for Basty, he will not live without his cow stuffed toy. He will always bring the toy everywhere while thumb sucking.


Both have the same sleeping position and I am pretty sure that they got it from me, hahaha! Awww, aren't they the cutest and the most behave kids ever. By the way, once they are already sleeping deeply their sleeping position will be going everything. They are like all over the place, haha.


Even if they fight like cats and dogs, they still love each other and really care for each other. Sophia may be a little stubborn but at the age of 3, she already know he duty as the eldest. Well, as for Basty his still a baby but even if he is still a year old, he can comprehend easily and adapt to his environment very quickly. It's like both of them are already older than their true age.

Hope you enjoyed my random facts about Sophia and Basty and to be completely honest there are still a lot of facts that I would love to share but maybe I can do another round of random facts on my future blog entry.

Do you have kids or maybe younger cousin? Mind sharing 5 random facts about them? Just leave me a comment and would really love to read your version.

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