
What's In My Makeup Bag

March 07, 2014

What's In My Makeup Bag

I'm such a late bloomer and one of the things that I am currently exploring is makeup application. Yes, I am no pro especially when it comes to applying eye makeup but I'm getting there. Sabi nga diba, "practice makes perfect." Anyway, even if I am not a pro I still want to share my current favorites that is actually inside my pink Clinique makeup bag. By the way, things that are included inside are mixture of drugstore, knockoffs and authentic makeups because I'm not that picky, simple as that.

My pink Clinique makeup bag was given to me by my mom and I love that she really consider on getting me a pink one just because it is my favorite color, haha. Anyway, doesn't it look so cute? It actually has a smaller coin purse type bag included.

Behold my current favorites.

What's In My Makeup Bag

  • MAC 182 Kabuki Brush
  • Face and Blush Brushes which is actually included in a makeup brush set of 24
  • EOS Lipbalm in Strawberry Sorbet
  • Nichido Final Powder in Pink Glow
  • Maybelline Rocket Volume Mascara
  • Urban Decay Naked Flushed
  • Etude House Precious Mineral BB dation
  • FS Eyelash Curler
  • Eyebrow Pencil
  • Lipsticks (MAC, Clinique, NYX, and Etude House)

The knockoffs are the following which can be bought at Shop Caboodle for a very affordable price. Yes, they may be knockoffs but they are guaranteed safe to use. Hey! I'm using it myself and nothing serious happened to me.

  • MAC 182 Kabuki Brush
  • Face and Blush Brushes which is actually included in a makeup brush set of 24
  • EOS Lipbalm in Strawberry Sorbet
  • Maybelline Rocket Volume Mascara
  • Urban Decay Naked Flushed
  • Etude House Precious Mineral BB dation
  • Eyebrow Pencil
  • Lipsticks (MAC, NYX, and Etude House)

There you go, that's almost everything included on my makeup bag. I wonder if I can take a peek on yours?

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  1. I had no idea you can get knock offs! I wonder if some of my MAC stuff are knock-offs. They look legit! Thanks for sharing. Sometimes I find it hard to put even a little eyeliner on before wrangling kids. Thanks for inspiration. xo

  2. I love your makeup bag, but I can't say the same for the knockoffs. I just don't want to take the risk of spending less for makeup and beauty products at the expense of damaging my skin in the long run. :)

  3. So a girl's makeup bag contains so much things?wow!!

  4. You're such a beauty & fashion lady with so much to offer to your readers. Keep it up and be beautiful always.

  5. OMG! Love your makeup bag because it can fit all of this!!! :) I super need travel brushes too so I can cary some around with me :)

  6. Hey, I use the same mascara! The Maybelline Rocket is great! Your makeup bag is good to hold all these items.

  7. Hey, I use the same mascara! The Maybelline Rocket is great! Your makeup bag is good to hold all these items.

  8. Oh i love your pics for the makeup bag especially the mascara and the lipsticks!

  9. You have a really compact make up bag since your make up items are really handy.

  10. Girls wearing makeup is beautiful but making simple make up is much better.

  11. cute makeup bag sis! :)
    and the pink brushes are soooo cute! hehehe yup who cares if they're knock offs!? if it does what it's suppose to, good enuogh :P

  12. Don't worry. I'm not one for makeup either. Hahaha. I NEVER wear it, religiously almost. Hahaha. Not on purpose just takes too much time and I am not willing to put the time into doing my makeup. I don't like that "fake beauty" as I call it.

  13. I still need to get my hands on the Urban Decay Flushed Palette!! :)

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper | An Undomestic Goddess

  14. cool post! I miss buying NICHIDO brands when I'm in the philippines:) Cute makeup bag too!

  15. I used to be carrying around stuff like that but ever since i became just a stay at home mom, I no longer have those inside my make up bag. I just mostly have my lipstick, eyeliner, concealer and oil control strips.

  16. Lots of make up goodies you have here! I think I'm still at the not-going-to-use-make-up phase. Hehe I'll probably end up as a late bloomer like you ~_~

  17. Those brushes are cute and NYX and NAKED are my favorite there in too.
