
Shop Caboodle 2.0

December 11, 2013

Shop Caboodle 2.0 is an online shop owned by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flores aka yours truly and the hubby, LOL! Anyway, we dubbed it as such because Shop Caboodle was the name of our first online shop business that we need to close down due to conflict with schedule. However, we are going back to business and we offer a wider selection of items that a lot of you will truly love.

Here's a list of the products that we are selling,

  • SG Cosmetics
  • SG/Dubai Perfumes
  • As Seen On TV stuff
  • Makeup Brushes
  • Kids Toys
  • Power Bank
  • and a lot mooooooore

I know a lot of you will be raising your eyebrows on why am I selling counterfeit products and the only reason that I know of is that some of them are much more affordable than the ones bought over the drug store. Anyway, I've been trying everything for myself before selling them and so far I don't see any harm done on my skin considering that I have sensitive skin. So yea!

Visit Shop Caboodle 2.0 at the following,

Hope to see you all there and enjoy shopping with us.

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  1. hi tanong ko lang sa payment through remittance ba???

    1. We prefer BPI but money remittances will do :)
