
Christmas 2013 Wishlist

November 16, 2013

It is the time of the year where we all wish that Saint Nicholas will give us even one of the many things that we listed on our Christmas wishlist. Personally, I am really not fond of doing any list in particular but somehow making one will make you life easier and organized. Anyway, I am really having a hard time as to what I should put on my Christmas wishlist because as a mother I always make sure that my kids will always be on top of my list. Thus, the so-called wishlist that I have always came out as the kids wishlist. Oh well, let me try and share with you some of the things that I would love to have for Christmas.

  • Pink Bicycle
  • Samsung NX1000 (Pink)
  • Make-up
  • Pink Trainer Shoes
  • Gym Outfit
  • Nail Polish
  • Xbox 360 or Wii Fit
  • Blog Domain
  • Eiffel Tower stuff
  • 2014 Planner
  • SD Card
  • 16 GB Flash Drive
  • 1 TB External Hard Drive
  • Sony Nex in Pink

Above list are the only things that I can think of as of the moment. However, a simple visit, like and comment on my blog will make me really happy.

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  1. Angie your wishlist is o.k but,let's modify it a little by replacing item number 7 "Xbox 360 or Wii Fit" with a "PlayStation 4 console and a Kindle HD". Xbox 360 is so old, so I won't wish you to start your new year with it. Don't you think so?

    1. I know but does PS4 console has the zumba thing? If yes, then I'll scratch xbox 360 or wii fit, haha.

    2. I agree with I Victor, replace XBOX 360 with PS4 :D, it has motion sensor and a camera.

    3. You guys even made it harder for me, haha

  2. Wahaha are you buying all these or expect someone to buy them for you? I don't have a wishlist yet and I probably won't create a list.

    1. I'm aiming to buy myself one from the list and then expect that someone would give me the rest, hahahaha. Kidding! Its just a list of what I want and maybe I'll be able to buy all in time.

    2. Ah. I remember those times when we used to hang socks by the window to wait for Santa Claus. We used to write him a letter of a list of things we want but that stopped in our teenage years. Compared to our "kiddie wishes," ang high-tech na mga sa iyo haha.

    3. I think this list is unrealistic. I don't know kasi for a mom like me everything that is really listed on my wishlist are for the kids. Siguro meron iba dito na I really desire to have pero hindi yung super mahal.

  3. The Pink Bicylce would looks so cool. 2 Christmas ago, I got myself a bicycle.

    1. I would really want to have a bicycle and I really do prefer the pink one kasi it is my favorite color.

    2. I also have Wii Fit and it's really helpful in losing weight.

    3. That's the main reason why I want to have one :)

  4. How about wishing another baby? A baby boy for the year 2014 means more blessings to come for you, then, maybe and then, you can have what you wished for?

    1. Nooooo! I already have 2 kids, boy and girl. They are too young for us to have additional one.

  5. My Christmas wishlist consists of the usual gifts for my daughter ad the rest of my family.
    I hope before Christmas, I will be able to earn more money.

    1. I have the frugal version of this one. Yes, if you have kids almost everything that is on your wishlist is about them.

  6. Great list! Okay nga yung suggestion about PS4, but that one's more expensive. And unlike the XBOX 360 na mas mura, konti pa lang titles for PS4 since it's pretty new. As for me, I'd settle for an XBOX 360 with Kinect. Mas pasok sa budget eh! XD

    1. Maganda talaga yung PS4 pero as of the moment hindi pa siya budget friendly since halos kakalabas lang niya diba. I'll still go with the XBOX 360 with Kinect at baka nga naka-sale na siya.

  7. Good for you because you already have a Christmas wishlist and I haven't come up with my own yet, to think that its only few days left before Christmas.

    1. It is actually hard to list down things for myself kasi mas unang pumapasok sa isip ko yung para sa kids, haha.

  8. I have the same list!! except for the colors haha!! I want the camera too! :)

    1. I also love the camera as in I'll try my best na i-push na magkaron ako kahit alin sa dalawa, haha.

  9. I also want a blog domain for Christmas. I hope Santa gives it to me :P

  10. I never make any wishlist for Christmas in this present age of mine though I preference on what to buy when I have the money.

    1. I'm not really fond of doing a wishlist although I do list down the things that I need and want just so I'll be able to know what to buy first when I got money.

  11. I wish you happiness and that Santa will grant your wish during Christmas. It is my 40th birthday as well on Christmas and all I wish for my birthday is Nook HD from Barnes and Noble where I can enjoy reading all my favorite books :-)

    1. Thank you and advance happy birthday to you. Anyway, I haven't heard of Nook HD yet but I will look for it.

  12. Ohhh you have such a long list! Would love to have xbox too, Kinda torn in bet xbox and ps4 :D

    1. I am also torn between xbox ans ps4 although mas gusto ko yung xbox at first pero since people start commenting on how great ps4 is nawala na ako, hahaha.

    2. Watched and read a lot of reviews. PS4 wins this time :)

  13. In total, that would at least cost you 100K and that's quite not a good investment. The domain would be a smart stuff to work on but the rest would be somehow whimsical and imprudent. Focus on making money and making that money work for you :)

    1. I'm not really aiming to get everything that is on the list. Also, like what I said I'll be more happy if people will visit and comment on my blog.

      Ooooh! I really want that domain though.

  14. I would love my own blog domain too. I hope you would get most in the list this Christmas :D

    1. Thank you and as of the moment I already got some that is on my list :)

  15. I refrain from making any Christmas list because of the very long list of things I have to do. You have quite a list there.

  16. Thanks for sharing your Christmas wishlist. I also have the same wish like new gym outfit, wii fit and 1 TB External Hard Drive. May all your wish come true! - Carl

    1. Thank you and I also wish the same for you.

  17. I always have an annual wish list, though I can't get everything on the list, am happy to get atleast 1 or 2 :)

    1. Same here :) I'm not aiming to have all of the things listed in just one sitting. 1 or 2 will already be good.

  18. Thank you so much :) And yes, I feel the same way. It actually feel like summer.

  19. Buti ka pa, may wish list na for Christmas! Wish I could create a list na so my friends and family can see it LOL

  20. I don't make Christmas wishlist but your's is okay. Why not add a Bible in the list.

    1. I already own a Bible since I was in Grade School :) I studied on a Catholic school and one of the requirements is to have a Bible and a Rosary. Yes, up until now I still have my Bible and Rosary. Although I don't use the actual Bible anymore because I've installed an application on my phone so I can read the Bible anytime and anywhere :)

  21. Your wish for Blog Domain must be done for now! Trust me, it's just so easy! :D

    As of the rest of your wish list, akin nalang ang 1 TB na external drive ha! Thank you so much! haha!

    1. I'm only looking for a good deal and site to purchase one :)

  22. seems like you really love pink... well, i hope you've been a good girl... you'll never know if santa's around... LOL. Yahweh bless.

  23. Awesome wishlist! Looks like your Christmas will gon be one pinkish day! :p

    1. I'll make sure that it'll be a pink Christmas for us, haha.

  24. Not too shabby! I've got a list too, but i only have five on it...

    1) Love-life
    2) Love-life
    3) Love-life
    4) Love-life
    5) Love-life

    HAHA But kidding aside, i stopped doing Christmas wishlist. Coz all I ever pray for is for my family and friends to stay healthy and happy... and of course, WORLD PEACE! ;)

    1. I am also praying the same thing for my family. Anyway, may your prayers be answered especially the love life one, hehe.

  25. Your post reminds me to make my own wishlist this Christmas. I think I'm going for the make-up this time.

  26. Ahhh this reminds me... i need to do mine lol!
    but i hope you get most of yours ;) ps for your blog domain, check out godaddy! i recently got mine for SUPER CHEAP! def a steal :D

    1. I can't wait to see your Christmas list. Regarding the blog domain, I am already checking godaddy, as you suggested, and hopefully by next year I'll have my own.

  27. go for the blog domain :) If you don't know how, shoot me a PM and I can help you :)

    1. Thank you so much. Will definitely be leaving you a message kapag hindi ko na talaga alam gagawin ko.
