
Please Be Awesome, October!

October 01, 2013

*Photo from Google Image
Hey loooves! Welcome back to my blog and thank you for always coming back. Anyway, I've been looking forward to the month of October since the not-so-good experience last September 16, 2013. It just really break my heart that September 16 will be a bittersweet date for me. I am totally shoving that bad experience aside and will now try to focus on a more positive things that will happen to me. I shall make sure that I will fill October and the coming months with a more positive attitude thus only entertain positive vibes to my life.

Oh well, aside from the moving on and positive attitude. I am also excited for October because almost all of my favorite TV series will resume with either a new season or a new episode. Here are the list of my most awaited TV series,
  • Walking Dead
  • Ravenswood
  • The Vampire Diaries
  • The Originals
  • The Carrie Diaries
There is actually a long list of TV series premiering this month and aside from those I listed above, I think I will be looking forward on watching other series. Visit TV.com for the schedule of your favorite TV series as well as the new ones that will be aired this month.

Also, I think I am going to start being more productive by learning a few things such as web development and personal make-up application. I don't know! The list of all the things are endless but I promise to sort them out and will definitely share my October list of to-do's on my next update.

That's it for now and let us all welcome October with an open arms and wish that this month will be more awesome than last month.

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  1. Me too! I'm extremely excited for the new seasons of my favorite shows!
    I bet October would be awesome for you. :)

    Happy Monday!

    1. Thank you :) I also do wish the same for you.

  2. For me its really a long list. VD and WD are cool to watch. Unfortunately im pretty left behind na. :)

    Web development is interesting eventhough it takes up most of our time. Make up application, i dont know. hehehe. God Bless this OCtober.

    cheenish.blogspot.com xx

    1. As for web development, I really need to learn kasi its my field of study. I'm already left behind with the current trend in IT.

  3. Ah, its been ges since I've watch a tv series on my own TV set. LOL Walking Dead seems a good one to watch.

    1. TWD is really a good TV Series but sometimes I get annoyed on how the story runs, haha.

  4. Just stay positive and everything should be looking great for you! And please include Scandal and Revenge to your fave series. I'm sure once you get to know these tv series, you'll be so hooked. PS. Let me know if you need a link for both series, so that you no longer need to download it. ;)

    1. Thank you so much :) I'll be checking Scandal and Revenge and please do share the link if it is okay :)

  5. Good luck on October and yes the new season of the series are already starting.

  6. yeah welcoming with arms wide open will result to good vibes for the wholemonth

    1. Thank you :) And let us just think positively to attract positive vibes.

  7. I hope OCTOBER can really be good for all of us. Hoping and praying for a good OCTOBER too!

  8. Aww it's so sad that Sept16 isn't a good date for you It's my papa's birthday. And 16 will always be my fave number. I wish you could overcome what ever negative vibes that day brought you. As they say, tomorrow's another day! :) Don't wait October to be awesome. Make October awesome! :))

    I also watch TVD! But I'm not updated anymore haha I stopped at Season 3, I think. Pang ilang season na ba ngayon? Hahaha I also have long lists of TV series, but because of schedule, I wasn't able to watch na. Besides, I'm lazy to download and stream online. I usually just get copy from friends. Haha.

    I wish you goodluck with learning web development and make-up application. I hope I could learn make-up application too. Hahaha.

  9. You had me at Walking Dead! Lol! My beau and I are also avid followers of the series. We'll definitely go bonkers again when the latest season finally plays on air. :)

  10. I am looking forward to have an awesome October too! Last month has neither been good to me. I am excited for the release of new books and tv series too! *cheers!*

    1. Oh! Can you share the list of books that will be released this month?

  11. I also used the same image in my post! Hahaha We all want October to be perfectly awesome. It will be!

    1. It will really be :) Let us all claim it.

  12. I'm a huge fan of TWD :D I'll try to watch the Vampire Diaries too! :D Hope we all have a nice October ^_^
