
HAUL: June and July

July 15, 2013

I've come to realization that ever since I started working I wasn't able to do some treat shopping for myself just because I chose to prioritize the needs of my little ones. Nevertheless, I started buying stuff for myself - not grand ones but stuff that says, "job well done!"

Here are some of the hauled items for the months of June and some from July.

The Face Shop
Just so you all know, I am a self-confessed nail polish collector when I was in college but after I graduated and got banned from using nail polish on my previous work I stopped and all of my nail polish got all dried. Anyway, I starting to build my nail polish collection and I prefer buying some of my nail polish and nail polish remover at The Face Shop.

Their nail polish remover smells like bubble gum or something like that.

I prefer wearing flats than heeled shoes and thank God for Solemate for offering cute flats at a very affordable price. I've also bought 2 (two) sandals last January 2013 which I posted on my IG account, check them out here and here. Although the sandals are not part of the "Any 2 for 399.75" promo but the price is still worth it.A matter of fact, I am still using both up to until now.

Uhmmmm! Just because I run out of blush-on and I'm feeling like trying out new shade of lippies, hihi! Oh! Blush on is in the shade of Blushing Pink while the lippies is called Rasberry Float. Both at priced at Php 88.00 each.

Daiso / Japan Home
Daiso / Japan Home
Daiso / Japan Home
Daiso / Japan Home
Made a great haul at Daiso / Japan Home. Well who doesn't if the price ranges from Php 66 to Php 88 them I shall go buy all the cute things that I can find.

EO Executive
Finally decided to wear contact lens and I just found out that I my eye vision is now on grade 375 - not sure is for both eyes but per my lens grade I have the same grade on both eyes so I'm assuming that 375 is for each eyes already.

That is everything and I surely will share more hauled stuff in the coming days or months. Hope you had fun and don't forget to follow me on instagram for daily updates, @angievianzon

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  1. Good for you! i love those shoes! i have the same kind but in a different color! <3


  2. Wow. That's a lot. I also reward myself from time to time, just to add motivation. It's not bad to spend sometimes, right? :))

    Cute flats! I also had Solemate falts before, from my boyf. Hehe. the buy 1 take 1 deal is such a good grab! :)

    Now there's Daiso. That's where you can buy kawaii stuff right? Good thing you mentioned, cause I really forgot the name. Haha.

  3. wow! lovely haul! I like the solemates!! I collect them as well.. super comfy and affordable niya eh :D

  4. hanggang now my buy 1 take 1 parin ang solemate? Yay! I have 3 pairs i guess and I want other designs pa :))

  5. Great finds from Daiso. I always visit Daiso when I'm in Manila. They have lots of interesting products, and most of them are a steal. Imagine, for only 66 or 88 pesos! Hope Daiso will also have a branch in my province hehe. Wishing lang naman ako :-)
