
SAHM No More

September 06, 2012

Goofing around with the little kiddos
My days of being a stay at home mom is coming to an end and to be honest right at this very moment I'm still experiencing this mixed emotions regarding the things that had happened. I can say that I did start September right because I was able to pass a job interview and my orientation will be this coming Friday as well as start my 1 week training on Monday and hopefully they'll consider me for the position after the training.

Although I am excited to finally be back on being a working mom, a part of me still wanted to to stay at home and play with my little kiddos because I know that when I start working then that is the time I stopped monitoring their progress. Then again, I always remind myself that the very reason why I wanted to work again is because of my little kiddos future.
My little kiddos
If only I can be in two places at the same time then things will be better.

Anyway, I am still grateful that make the it to the company's shortlist and I promise myself to do the very best that I can during the week long training in order for them to consider me. As for the little kiddos, I'm basically spending more time with them now.

Oh! Funny thing happened last Monday because I was able to get a good news regarding the work but as the saying goes if there are good news then expect to have bad news in return. The bad news, my phone temporarily died on me and since I'm using a BlackBerry; I can say that it's typically useless right at the moment and I'm currently using it for eBook reading purposes. Confused? Temporarily died? Well, since I don't have my own source of income except for the online shop in which my earnings from there are basically used for some emergency needs of the little kiddos. I wasn't able to pay my postpaid monthly bill in full thus the reason for my phone carrier to temporarily cut it until I can pay my total bill in full.

Oh well, life goes on and even if I'm missing my phone's full feature I think I need to wait until I revive it back to life, LOL! Also, don't tell me to ask money from the hubby because I think I have full responsibilities with my postpaid plan since I am the one using it thus I will not bother to ask the hubby to pay for my bills. I'm still independent like that, hihi!

There. I'll blog about the new job when I am already hired.

  • How was your September so far?
  • Have you experienced both good and bad news in one day?
  • Do you totally depend on your husband/wife financially or are there things that you would like to pay for yourself?

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  1. Girl, ok lang yan! Ang mahalaga maganda ka pa rin! :D

  2. I started my September right with friends! Yes, good and bad news came my way. It feels so frustrated! >< Nope. We girls should not depend with our partners cause in the long wrong tayo ang kawawa. agree? we girls should earn for ourselves to prove boys that we don't need them! eh my hinanakit? :))

    1. Hala! May pinagdadaanan? LOL! Pero I super agree on everything that you've said. Mas maganda pa din na maging Ms. Independent at times para wala naman sila masabi.

  3. Good luck on your new work and I'm sure you're gonna do well.

    1. Sometimes, it's ok to be detached from your phone at times as it make us focus on other things.

  4. Oh. God Bless momma Angie. Hope the kids will behave while you're not yet around because of work :) | My phone is down too because it does not get recharged, booo! | Wishing the best for you and for your kiddos!

  5. Good luck on your new work. It's true, mommies pa mostly ang may separation anxiety. :) Felt that a year ago :)

  6. congrats for the new job. you will miss the kids. The phone was really a bad timing .cute namna nila.

  7. Good for you girl, but who will take care of your kids. Just remember this, good and bad things that goes your way has blessings embedded on it. Sensya na , kasi Pastor ako na walang church.

  8. Ang cute ng mga chikiting! Lagi lang mag think positive tapos dasal mas maraming blessing pang daraing!

  9. This is one challenge a parent must face when working already,your attachment to your kids...

  10. all the best on your endeavors, started with a new job also this September and I believe this is the job that I have waited for, FTW!

  11. Good luck on your new work or job. Good looking kids you guys have.

  12. Congratulations, talagang ganyan pag parent ka na marami ka talagang sacrifices na gagawin for your children's future. Kaya mo yan. Good luck =)

  13. Women always have a tough role in being a provider and a glue to the family. In this two areas I wish you luck and success!

  14. How adorable! Well so far, September greeted me with good vibes. Woot woot!

  15. My september was full of ups and downs. Not that good. Hoping August will be better! Love the little girl's outfit. ;p

  16. Congrats on work. Just remember to keep your priorities in check. :)

    Oh, as for your question: September is poised to be one very busy month for this very busy teacher.

  17. Congratulations on your new job.

    Personally, I'd like to earn my own money. I'm currently working but I don't have a family yet and I can't really compare how it would feel like if I already have my own kids. Right now, I'm still living with my parents so I don't really pay for anything. Maybe things will change once I have my own family and kids.

  18. I started my September with a not-so-good news. I'm trying to move on pa until now. Good luck on your new job. :-)

  19. As of now, my September looks okay. Yesterday, I experience good news but last week, a series of bad news came. I hope tomorrow will have another good news.

  20. My September is ok. Yes, I depend on my husband on some finances of our family. And there are some that I earn it so I can contribute to our family.

  21. Good luck on your new work but always find time to be with your family (quality time)

  22. First, congrats on the new job!

    I started my September good, but my life wouldn't be 'my life' if there are no roller coaster ride-like challenges along the way. The good news and bad news thing happens to me a lot of times, it takes time to not let the bad news get in the way of the good one/s.

  23. i;m quite entertained reading your post... well, because of how it shifted from one story to another. sad on your BB news... and i understand that mix of emotion having to start a new job but then there's sadness having to leave the kiddos at home... still you're a super mom. :)

  24. Good luck on you new career. Make the most out of it!

  25. Congrats on your new job! May it prove to be profitable for you so you wouldn't miss any monthly bill. ;) My September has been good so far. Although I just took a 4-month leave off work, I got a lot of raket to augment my lost income. Fingers crossed I wouldn't miss any monthly bill. So far I'm on track.

  26. Good luck on your return to the working world! Don't worry, just because you have a job doens't mean you can't find ways to remain an active participant in your children's lives.

  27. My September could be better. It's a mix of happy news and happy problems. I hope to receive more of the happier news though pretty soon. :)

  28. Congrats sis! It's really hard to leave your little angels at home but what you'll do is for their future. :) Anyway, you can be a SAHM again if you feel the need to do it, just file a resignation letter. hohoho. :)

  29. My September so far is pretty okay. My contract ends on the 28th but I feel I'll be having some projects sometime soon.

    Good news and bad news? I had both of them in one day though the bad news was more of a blessing in disguise I believe.

    As for the finances, let me say I'm the one handling the ATM. hehe.

    And welcome back to the corporate world. ^_^
